Saturday, November 13, 2010

Native American Appreciation Month

This is the first time that I have known our Federal Government to set aside a formal time of Recognition, as a National time to Honor the First Nation, and it's members~! Thank YOU to the administration for doing this~! Native American Appreciation Month is a great statement...I would like to see more action accompany the words~!

Many of us have never had to live in the conditions of the Reservations...we have had a soft and comfortable life, with many amenities not known to the Reservations, or the homes there. We take so much for granted in this life...I think everyone should have to live for  a time during each season with the Native Americans and learn about their lives,and hardships.

Many think the government programs furnish so much...what that furnish is minimal and basic, but not nutritious for health and growth of the youth and maintenance for the adults...if so, there would not be the need for so much dialysis treatments, and diabetes education, on the Reservations here in the United States~!

I would like to see a day when all American's in need would be given healthly information and provisions to grow and share in the community. This is one reason I believe in what National Relief Charities, through AIRC and AIEF are doing for all Native Americans on Reservations through out the US~!
These 'Peoples" of the Various Tribes, are strong and filled with resilience...they have been given the worse conditions, and made the best of them for more than 200 years~!

 I personally have seen, and learned from Elders and the Youth, what is important to them for the future of their different  than want you want for your family and loved ones. Comfort of a warm home in the Winter, Clean Water to drink without having to haul it many miles, to ration and use with great care; and to enjoy a meal of healthy live food instead of heavily processed, boxed ,empty, nutritionless carbohydrates~! And over processed  hydrogenated peanut butter~!!!  I get sick thinking about the provisions they are expected to eat~!!!

I would love to bridge the gap with understanding and compassion for all~! The importance of education, communication, and compassion are surely needed for the perserverance to grow into health for all communities.
I have a dream to see all given a chance of education and knowledge of health; to grow in strength, and to return to community to share with others to strengthen the lives of the youth... the ones to carry on in the future.

So, I will close with a thought...Transition is huge for one that leaves the Reservation and the steps out to take the chance, for the cultural, spiritual, nutritional, ecomnomic, and lifestyle shifts that far exceed that of other cultures.
 May we all work together to Raise Awareness and Compassion for those we have in the past ignored, forgotten,  set aside, and thrown to the wind~!
Empowerment comes when we are all proud to be in our own skin...and follow our path...feeling good about our Spirit ~! May you feel good about your Spirit and know we are all one with  our Creator~!

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I've seen the conditions on several of the reservations myself and it's really sad. I fear it will be extremely difficult to break the cycle that has been thrust on them for so many years and generations.
